2015년 8월 20일 목요일

[9th Week] Sending Alert Mail(or Text)

We can generate Alert Stream from sensor streams in Raspberry Pi. I'm going to make a visual effect for alerts. One of the methods is sending mail. I tried two methods for sending mail.
- Sending mail on python code running on Raspberry Pi.
- Sending mail on MATLAB code running on my labtop.

Second method should need receiving data from RPi. I'll use similar code with the one which I used in plotting sensor data.

There could be several codes for sending mail, and here're some example codes I used.

1) Sending mail on Python (Raspberry Pi)

import smtplib

def send(addr, s):
  server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
  server.login(‘foo@gmail.com', ‘pwd')
foo@gmail.com', addr, s)

I put my Gmail account and password in server.login(). With this, we can easily send a mail.
**Also here's important point. We should change account setting for Rasperry Pi here (https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps) when authentication probelm occurs unless we put correct account info and codes**

2) Sending mail on MATLAB

mail = 'foo@gmail.com';
password = 'pwd';
server = 'smtp.gmail.com';

props = java.lang.System.getProperties;

sendmail('addr','Alert!','Msg From MATLAB');

Both method can occur short delay for sending mail when the function works. You can also send text message using '10digits'@vtext.com (for verizon, there're similar things for others).

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