Last week, I tried some works generating streams with data from sensors on Arduino. I used DHT11 for temperature and humidity, and MPU-6050 for acceleration and gyro. Based on these work, I added more sensors on Raspberry Pi with 2 more Arduinos. Here's the structure.
There're four Arduinos(Arduino 0, 1, 2, 3). Arduino 0 has DHT-22 and dust sensor for temperature, humidity, dust concentration. Arduino 1 has MPU-6050 for acceleration, gyro, and temperature. Arduino 2 has mini sound sensor for sound pressure. Arduino 3 has Tarts Gateway for Tarts wireless sensors.
Therefore, Raspberry can handle 8 sensor data at once. Sampling rates for sensor data are different each other. Raspberry can generate streams with this, and do similar work I did last week (generating alerts) with these streams.
Further works I have to do are:
- Stabilizing sensor data. Sensors using analog output are giving raw data with noises, so it is not quite accurate.
- Finding stable connection method of tarts sensors. Tarts sensors are not detected well at its gateway in some condition, but I don't know what is the optimized condition.
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