2015년 6월 25일 목요일

[1st & 2nd Week] Helpful Links for Project

I brought my own Raspberry Pi here. It's Raspberry Pi Model B+ V1.2, and I tried to set some environments to make my Raspberry Pi available.

For first a few days, I installed Raspbian on SD card, and set internet available with a router and LAN cables. Therefore, I could access to Raspberry Pi with putty on my laptop. I would do some exercises on this before I start my work with other components like sensors, Arduino, etc.

Also I will memo some links here that could be helpful for learning concepts.

- Links that would be helpful for work
1) https://phidgets.wordpress.com/2014/05/05/getting-started-with-phidgets-on-the-raspberry-pi/

2) http://angeliot.blogspot.com/2015/04/2.html (A blog written in Korean)

3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts0AmsukiW4 (Video Introducing basic stuff of Raspberry Pi and IoT)

4) http://www.hardcopyworld.com/ngine/aduino/index.php/archives/817 (Connecting Arduino and other device)

5) http://neoze.co.kr/list.php?mdl_code=002&sml_code=002

6) http://echo.tistory.com/category/Raspberry%20Pi

7) http://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/htm/raspberry_pi_examples.htm

8) http://fishpoint.tistory.com/1376

9) http://allmysky.dothome.co.kr/?p=52

10) http://www.uugear.com/portfolio/bluetooth-communication-between-raspberry-pi-and-arduino/

[1st & 2nd Week] Market Research

I'm going to update some information that would be useful through searching online markets in this post for a while.
This would contain contents about sensors, Arduino MCU, etc.

1. https://www.tartssensors.com/ (Wireless Sensors)

Wireless sensors of this website can be connected to both Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Additional product called 'Gateway' for Raspberry Pi and Arduino seems necessary when we connect wireless sensors to processor. Also we should buy antenna and battery for gateway and sensors.
  • Tarts Arduino Shield ($44.95)
- Interfaces with Arduino Uno, Leonardo, Yun, Ethernet, Due, MEGA
- 250 - 300 ft. non-line-of-sight RF range
  • Tarts Raspberry Pi Plate ($44.95)
- Interfaces with Raspberry Pi Boards
- 250 - 300 ft. non-line-of-sight RF range

For sensors, we can basically think about accelerometer to detect earthquake, and we can additionally add temperature/humidity/gas sensors. Especially sensors from this website is wireless, so we should consider about battery life. It seems battery life of each sensor is about 1-2 years. Maybe we can additionally make an alarming system for low battery state, or just attach photoelectric cell.
  • Wireless Tilt Sensor - Accelerometer ($34.95)
- Measures tilt based on 3-axis accelerometer
- Selectable +/- 2,4,8 G sensitivity range
±2.5 % measurement accuracy
- 250 - 300 ft. non-line-of-sight RF range
- Estimated battery life with coin cell : 1-2 years
  • Wireless Temperature Sensor ($24.95)
Temperature range: -40°C to +85°C ( -40°F to +185°F )
- Accurate to +/- 2%
- 250 - 300 ft. non-line-of-sight RF range
- Estimated battery life with coin cell : 1-2 years
  • Wireless Humidity Sensor ($39.95)
+/- 1.8% accuracy (between 10% – 90% RH)
- 0 - 100% RH operating range
- Scientific grade sensor
- 250 - 300 ft. non-line-of-sight RF range
- Estimated battery life with coin cell : 1-2 years

2. http://www.phidgets.com/ (USB Sensors)

Sensors in this website supports USB connection. Maybe we can directly connect it to Raspberry Pi with an USB hub.
This link(https://phidgets.wordpress.com/2015/02/02/what-you-can-do-with-raspberry-pi-and-phidgets/) says that the USB port of Raspberry Pi does not provide enough power to the Phidgets, so it seems that we need additional powered USB hub.
  • PhidgetSpatial Precision 0/0/3 High Resolution ($80)
- 3-axis accelerometer up to ±8g of acceleration in each axis
- High precision when measuring acceleration within ±2g
  • Precision Temperature Sensor ($15)
- Temperature sensor with a range of -30°C to +80°C with a typical error of ±0.75°C in the 0°C to 80°C range.
- Measures the ambient temperature in the area surrounding the board

3. http://store.linksprite.com/

This web store provides some basic components about Arduino, Raspberry Pi. We can check datasheet of each component.
  • Breakout Board for ADMP401 MEMS Microphone ($8.95)
  • Breakout of DHT 11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor ($5.20)
  • ADXL335 Triple-Axis Accelerometer ($9.99)
  • Breadboard Jumper Wire Set ($9.00)
4. http://www.amazon.com/Cirago-Bluetooth-Speed-Adapter-BTA7300/dp/B005QUQPDA/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1435763319&sr=1-2&keywords=bluetooth+wifi ($21.88)

5. http://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Port-2-5A-power-adapter/dp/B00DQFGH80/ref=sr_1_52?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1435763086&sr=1-52&keywords=belkin+usb+hub ($17.99)

6. http://www.amazon.com/Phantom-YoYo-Bluetooth-Wireless-Module---/dp/B00COP95RI/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1435763681&sr=1-1&keywords=bluetooth+wifi+arduino  ($10.99)

7. http://www.amazon.com/nRF24L01-Wireless-Transceiver-Arduino-Compatible/dp/B00E594ZX0/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1435764051&sr=1-1&keywords=arduino+wifi ($6.85)

8. http://www.amazon.com/SunFounder-Project-Starter-Arduino-Mega2560/dp/B00D9NMP6M/ref=sr_1_7?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1435802723&sr=1-7&keywords=arduino+kit ($38.99) X 2

2015년 6월 24일 수요일

[1st Week] Starting Project

Currently, I'm a Junior student in EECS major(more concentrated to EE) at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology(GIST). In this summer, I'm participating in a 10 week SURF(Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) program in Caltech with Prof. Mani Chandy(Caltech's Computer Science Department) and Dr. Julian Bunn(Caltech's Center for Advanced Computing Research).

Setting Objective of the Project
When we look this project with a broad view, it is about processing data streams from sensors(related to IoT) and making a framework that enables novice users easily access to IoT apps with streams. Actually, I preferred to work with hardware parts rather than software. Therefore, we started with setting an object with hardware stuff like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and sensors.
Start point can be connecting several sensors on main processor. For example, there already exists a set of accelerometers for detecting earthquake. We can add other kinds of sensors detecting temperature/gas/humidity/etc, then we can process several kinds of data at once.
For successful result, we should make an easy and efficient way to add additional sensor to our main processors(like Raspberry Pi). Also, we can expect an efficient and stable method for generating data streams and data analyzation.
The first idea of my project was briefly like this.

Further Thinking
I thought about several ways to connect more than one sensors to a processor(Raspberry Pi).
At first, wire connection with USB hub can make sense. Maybe we can make a simple structure with small-size Arduino and one sensor. We can easily add several sensors to Raspberry Pi with just connecting Arduino with USB serial connection. We don't have to consider many things about communication conditions between Raspberry Pi and sensor with Arduino because it's just a USB wire connection. Also, we can control sensor without additional power connection. USB hub or Raspberry Pi can provide enough power to sensor. However, there would be some limitations like length of wire.
Also the wireless connection with WiFi or Bluetooth can be another solution. It is good to place sensors wherever we want, but we should think about power problem of each sensors and optimized condition of wireless connection.